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  • Partner:

    • Name : Cluster Sofia Knowledge City (CSKC)
    • Country: BULGARIA
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    Cluster Sofia Knowledge City (CSKC) is an association of about 60 legal entities (regular and associated members) including companies, universities, VET organizations and R&D and science organisations. The strategic objective of the cluster is to build up and implement a smart business model for transformation of the capital into knowledge city, creating in such a way market benefits for its members, partners and stakeholders. Being an open association of potentially unlimited number of members from the business, science and education CSKC seeks to organize own capacity to efficiently use the human and material resources for benefit of the city trying to create an open innovative and knowledge-based city ecosystem. The core of the CSKC is a network of interconnected companies - producers and suppliers of IT products and services and business services. The second group is educational, VET and think-tank organisations that are an important partner of the companies in the transformation process, providing training and implement projects to support information technologies of the future, innovation and entrepreneurship, talent attraction and technology transfer. The Cluster also includes internationally recognized science institutes from the Bulgarian Academy of Science concealing in such a way the knowledge triangle: business - science - education. CSKC is member of Smart City Tech Partnership – European Cluster’s Association for Smart Cities technologies, European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and Council on innovation, digitalization and new technologies at BCCI. Strategic partners of the cluster are the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Sofia Tech Park, Investment Council at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Sofia Investment Agency, Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI); INOVA-RIA - Associação de Empresas para uma Rede de Inovação em Aveiro, Portugal. The cluster organisation is awarded with the Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).